Monday, June 20, 2016

Happy Summer Solstice!

I am feeling particularly underwhelmed by life at the moment, but felt the need to do something to acknowledge the importance of the day.  For four of the last five years, I have had a fire for 24 hours in recognition of the Solstice.  Over each of these years, it has been somewhat different.  At times it was more like a party, other times it was a more introspective affair.  Usually, it was some sort of hybrid of the two.

For the last 9 months, I have been living in Olympia.  I moved here to go back to school and the cost of doing so was near total loss of my social life.  So, this Solstice I am at home alone with no one to celebrate with.  I am, perhaps, the loneliest that I have ever been in my life.  It is hard to muster the energy of celebration.

That said, the Solstice is still something worthy of celebration and I hope everyone out there who cares about such things is doing something special.  It is thundering and lightning here; a rare treat. As the sun went down this evening, the fast moving clouds seemed to catch fire, the whole sky varying shades of orange and pink.  There was even a rainbow.  For the first time since 1967 and the last time until 2062, the Solstice moon is full.  A special treat.  It is also the strawberry moon, which is the Algonquin name for June's full moon.  It is the height of strawberry harvesting time.

I will take this as a sign, that things are growing ripe in my life and should be bursting with sweetness soon!  If anyone happens to read this, I hope this prediction applies to you too.

Happy Summer Solstice.

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