Sunday, October 23, 2016

A prayer (to restore meaning to ________)

Ride a horse made of lightning until its heart explodes.
Let a city break your heart.
Gray hair and wrinkles mean wisdom and a belly full means health.
Walk into the darkness alone and explain who
you are and why you came.
Dance forever, quietly or fiercely. Dance forever!
If this is all just a dream or we do
return to  simply ash and dirt, then that
alone is holy enough.

-from sometime in 2014

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

The Will of the World

     A restless morning, with clouds lower down, moving also with a larger roundward motion. Everything moving. Best to go out in motion too, the slow roundward motion like the hawks.
     Everything seems slowly to circle and hover towards a central point, the clouds, the mountains round the valley, the dust that rises, the big, beautiful, white-barred hawks, gabilanes, and even the snow-white flakes of flowers upon the dim paloblanco tree. Even the organ cactus, rising in stock straight clumps, and the candelabrum cactus, seem to be slowly wheeling and pivoting upon a centre, close upon it.
     Strange that we would think in straight lines, when there are none, and talk in straight courses, when every course, sooner or later, is seen to be making the sweep round, swooping upon the centre. When space is curved, and the cosmos is a sphere within a sphere, and the way from any one point to any other point is round the bend of the inevitable, that tuns as the tips of the broad wings of the hawk turn upwards, leaning upon the air like the invisible half of the ellipse. If I have a way to go, it will be round the swoop of a bend impinging centripetal towards the centre. The straight course is hacked out in wounds, against the will of the world.
                                 -D.H. Lawrence from Mornings in Mexico