Saturday, July 6, 2013

Hello from Bali!

Just kidding. 
So, I am just writing you all to share the news that I was soundly defeated
by military time.  Last night at 2:10 AM I was getting into a cab, after a long
night of dancing.  However, I should have been getting on a plane and heading
to Indonesia.

I arrived at the airport this afternoon to find that I had the wrong 2:10.  The
airline that I was going to fly on uses military time and as someone who
is A) not now nor ever going to be affiliated with the military and B) not someone
from a country that uses military time, I assumed that they meant 2:10 PM.
I am now leaving on July 15th and returning on August 13th.  The silver lining
is that I wasn't feeling quite ready to leave and now I have 10 more days to
prepare myself!
I just thought I would let you all know in case I run into you around town or
some other way make my presence known.

1 comment:

  1. Ah so you think you can not write me back, & sneak off to Bali undetected? Merely a hop skip and a jump from my residence? I see. I see. I SEE. ALLAIN! VOUS SALAUDS!
