Tuesday, April 23, 2013

The Return

and now comes the processing of the information and stories that I took on during my trip to Illinois.

I slept exactly 0 hours the night before my departure but was lucky enough to sleep through most of both of the flights that I had.  Somehow, I only slept for an hour or so once I got home and was able to rally enough to dance t0 90's music until 3:30 in the morning.

I love going dancing with a posse and without even realizing it at first, went dancing with two couples, making me the fifth wheel on some sort of strange 5 wheeled vehicle.  Highlights of the night include getting blatantly and awkwardly hit on for the first time in recent times, having my water bottle full of tequila and orange juice taken out of my bag, emptied out and then returned to my bag (I only had two drinks all night and didn't even make use of my secret stash).

So, now it's back to work saving for Summer adventures, trying to make some sense of the madness of the world and trying to avoid toxic people in my life.  Wish me luck.

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